We have been closely monitoring the developing situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and continue to follow the guidelines set out by the Government and Public Health England. To ensure that our staff and supply chain can continue to work safely with our clients, we are instigating the measures detailed below. The situation is changing on a daily, even hourly basis and our Directors will continue to monitor this very closely – any update will be communicated to our Staff and Clients immediately. We are well placed to respond to any changes and have invested money to make sure business can continue as normal. We call for strong leadership during this period and have held a series of conference calls with a range of construction business leaders in the South West to discuss how we can collaborate and continue to provide uninterrupted services to our clients.
Please see the policies that we have implemented to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on both our staff and Clients:
- We have invested in IT platforms and equipment to enable all our staff to work remotely.
- We will continue to invest in Cloud based IT platforms and do not rely on physical servers in the office, allowing our staff to access documents from anywhere in the world.
- We have cancelled all non-essential face-to-face meetings and re-arranged conference calls via Google Suites or Microsoft Teams.
- Where meetings are essential, we are asking our staff to keep a distance of at least 2m.
- Staff who display symptoms must inform directors immediately and self-isolate in line with Government guidelines. Any staff who share a house with those who develop symptoms will be asked to self-isolate as well.
- We will not be attending networking events or public gatherings until further notice.
- Directors in charge of our commission have contacted our Clients directly to inform them of business continuity planning in the event that any of our staff are off work for an extended period.