About The Project
Coreus were appointed by Cavanna Homes to craft their first ESG strategy, establishing ambitious targets in vital areas like quality, waste management, social value, carbon, employee wellbeing, and biodiversity. Through a thorough peer review and stakeholder analysis, we tailored our guidance to suit the scale and nature of their business.
We calculated their carbon baseline across all three scopes and established baselines for other key themes. Aligning with the 1.5 degrees requirement of the SBTI (science-based targets initiative), Cavanna’s carbon targets among all other targets, now adhere to industry best practices.
The resulting comprehensive ESG strategy not only sets the stage for transparent communication of Cavanna’s sustainability initiatives but also positions them as a beacon of sustainability excellence.
By embracing sustainability as a core tenet of their business philosophy, Cavanna Homes is poised to attract premier projects, top talent, and future-proof their business in an increasingly competitive and environmentally conscious market landscape.